Saturday, February 14

Billy Mays Got Schooled

So everybody knows who Billy Mays is - he's that dude who was the King of the Infomercial before we met/fell in love with VINCE. Anyway so he has an infomercial out about this magic material that is apparently part clay, part glue, part magnet, part wood, and part mood ring (it changes colors!). To sum up, it's magic like all of his other products. The infomercial is full of his normal soft yelling, which is all well and good, but not that creative or original.

To fix this problem, an American Hero dubbed the infomercial to teach us about this product in the least-enthused and most-insulting way possible! He's sure to get a contract soon, because he showed the Mays just how this shit should be done. "Fuckin arts and crafts, whatever, I don't even... ok, mail." Genius!

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1 comment:

  1. OMG! i cant beleive that Billy Mays has paaed away! he could sell you on anything! that man was a born salesman! he had an enlarged heart which is a sad disease! but the people who bought his products like "Oxi-Clean" or "Kaboom!" you gys were the people to buy the last things he would ever sell! R.I.P Billy Mays
